Thursday, January 31, 2013

with GOD all things are possible.

Jesus looked at them and said," With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible".... Matthew 19:26

Don't put all of your hopes and feelings and dreams into man and the man made. Put it all into the one who made man, Jesus. He is the only one who can give us miracles. He knows and has what you need. Just put your trust in Christ and him alone and you see the impossible become possible!

Pray this prayer of faith,

Jesus I put my full trust in you. I am dependent on you and your finished work on the cross for all I need. I believe you died and rose for me. I put my faith in your death conquering power. Nothing is impossible for you God. I believe you have made me new by my faith in Christ right now. I receive all your favor, success love, peace, and joy In Christ for me right now. In Jesus name amen!



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